Author Topic: path  (Read 4961 times)

Hope Parr

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« on: February 12, 2015, 07:35:39 AM »
I love your workings. Although I understand the articles I find my own path not as easy as some of your readers seem to do. I Wish it were that simple for me.

Allan Beveridge

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Re: path
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2015, 09:42:35 PM »
Hope, I am not sure if you are referring to finding your path in this life or following it. So I will try to touch on both. I do not believe that either one is necessarily easy for any of us.

My belief is that we all have somethings we are here to work on, and in some cases do, and that we all have gifts or skills that can help us along the way. Our path is related to our lesson(s) and likely anything we are "supposed to do". They can of course lie on the same path. For example, one's life lesson could be to learn to overcome their fear of something and perhaps also to help others who are held back by their fears of it. So if they work on overcoming their fears they may find themselves in a position to help others.

Our challenges in life are related to our lessons and our path, and they can be very challenging. If our lessons are difficult ones then we may want to get away from them, doing so takes us away from our path. We can then flounder and drift from challenge to challenge taking us even further away from our path.

However, I also believe that when we are "on our path" we feel a resonance with it, even if it is frustrating and challenging. We can run away from it or embrace it. Finding the will to do that latter is what can make following our path equally challenging, and in some cases quite daunting.

I have noticed that many romanticize spirituality and "personal paths" to the point that they believe it is easy to find and follow them, and that if we do life is all "honky dory". Those that believe this are, imho, do not truly understand life paths nor what they are all about. We are here to learn and that is not necessarily easy. Also, romanticizing it tends to lead people to think that it is fairly easy to do (which it isn't) and that anyone can find their path without too much difficulty (which it isn't). As a result people can get confused and discouraged.

I do not even know my own path in this life, though I do know to some extent my lessons and they are not easy nor have I always liked where they appear to be taking me (which is likely the same for most of us). What I have found is that by working on my lessons my life has taken some wonderful twists and turns that have led to far greater personal growth and spiritual development than I would have had I tried to run away (and likely easier as well, relatively speaking). I have found that sharing what I have learned resonates with me to such a high degree that I believe it is a big part of my path and one of my "tasks in life". It permits me the honour of being of assistance to others while at the same time giving me the chance to continue to work on my life lessons (I suppose I am learning to "take the good with the not so good" lol

I do not know if this answers your question or not, if it doesn't we can continue to explore this here or perhaps move this over to the General Discussions section.


Allan Beveridge