Author Topic: New Section - Guest Writers  (Read 4642 times)

Allan Beveridge

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New Section - Guest Writers
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:25:04 AM »
Twin Powers website announcement!

When I started the site I had three primary intents.
1- Share what I'd learned over decades of study and research so that others could benefit from it.
2- Create a website where people share their experiences, wisdom and knowledge with others to the benefit of all.
3-Create a community where people could connect with one another.

I believe I have succeeded to a certain extent on numbers 1 & 3 (though there are not as many registered users or members as I'd have liked) but #2 hadn't happened yet. Well, that has changed!!

A couple days ago I added a new section to the site called Guest Writers. Now I am very excited by and pleased to announce that as very early this morning we have added the first Guest Writer and the first essay (there are 4 more to add over the next few days) is up!!

Our first Guest Writer is Puneet Sodhi, and I am truly honoured that she is willing to allow me to do this. I do hope that you all take a moment to go to the site and check out her bio and the first two essay of a series she wrote.

You will find the new item under Extras on the left hand menu (I have provided a link below). When you click on Guest Writer's the list of them will show up below it (only the one for now but hopefully this will grow!!) and when you click a Guest Writer name a list of their posted articles will show up beneath it.

Also, do read the Guest Writer's page as I would like to see this section expand. There is a great deal of wisdom out there that can be shared to everyone's benefit so if you feel you have something to share that would benefit the site, it's visitor's, registered users and members let us know!!

Thank you for your time and here's a link to the new section on the website!!

My best to you all!

Allan Beveridge

